
首页 > 军事大全 > 时政人物2017-03-06





  中文名称劈波斩浪外文名称Cleave through the waves日文分割斩波波 近义词乘风破浪、披荆斩棘拼音pī bō zhǎn làng时间2001年目录1英文解释2例句余杭有三宝:超山梅、径山茶,还有<em>彭祖房</em>中秘酿


  折叠编辑本段英文解释折叠简明释义cleave [slash] through the waves;折叠编辑本段例句我们始终坚信,没有共产党,就没有新中国,90年来,党一直带领着我们昂首阔步向前,劈波斩浪,开辟航向。We have always believed that without the communist party, there would be no new china, 90 years, the party has beenleading us to hold our heads forward, through the waves, open course.将有好转迹象,太阳和月亮和星星的,一经地球危难的国家,在困惑中,在波涛汹涌的大海,劈波斩浪,男子昏倒在恐惧和与这预示着什么样的未来,是对世界;为权力老天爷就将动摇。And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and upon the earth distress of nations in perplexity at the roaring of thesea and the waves, men fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world; for the powers of theheavens will be shaken.幸运的是亨特划得一手好船,小船劈波斩浪,不一会儿就到了大船旁边。我登上了西斯潘尼奥拉号。By good fortune hunter pulled a good oar. We made the water fly; and the boat was soon alongside, and I aboard theschooner.你需要知路怎样在数据的汪洋劈波斩浪,怎样优化推客上的散文,以及怎样揭穿那些说谎的统计数据。You need to know how to swim through the data deluge, optimize your prose for twitter, and expose statistics that lie.

